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New Kid In Town

During a lunch meeting the other day, my wife called and asked, "Honey, can I buy another horse?"

When she asks a question like that, there's only one possible answer.

Meet Simon, the latest addition to the ranch. So far, he seems to be everything my wife wanted (but didn't get) when she bought a filly about 5 years ago. Simon's calm, friendly, very rideable, and brings a little color to the current bunch.

He's only been here a couple of days and has already integrated into the herd. Most horses fall victim to the bullying of my wife's older gelding, who tends to dominate any new blood who dares to approach. Simon simply looks at him and wonders why he's making such a fuss, screeching and snorting and rearing while Simon stands calmly. Bodes well for getting him into an arena to show!

Welcome, Simon.


KarrieLyne said…
LoL Joe!! Wives have an amzaing way with husbands =) Simon is adorable!! Oh, in case u r wondering, this is AngelEyes from Twitter =) My real name is Karrie!
** kisses Simon on the nose **
Anonymous said…
He's very much the look of my Gemini, a sorrel 1/2 Arab 1/2 Quarter that was a beautiful ride, great on his feet and such a great disposition. Lucky, lucky wife! You need to update this post, Joe .. More pictures and let us know how Simon is working out for your beloved!

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