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Showing posts from February 24, 2002
Bringing 3D to the Web - Tech News - "Bringing 3D to the Web -- Virtual Reality Modeling Language is back from the dead--again." OK, so I hope W3C will coordinate between X3D and SVG to make certain they're complementary. There's bound to be substantial existing work in SVG that can be applied to 3D, and it would be a shame to miss the opportunity to leverage it.
High-speed access debate goes to D.C. - Tech News - -- "WASHINGTON--Hotly contested legislation that would give regional telephone giants a boost in the high-speed Internet market is set to be considered in the U.S. House of Representatives this week." The Baby Bells are whining that they need favorable legislation in order to compete with cable operators offering broadband. Unwilling to accept any risk, the telcos want the feds to give them an insurance policy (read "subsidy") to offset their long-needed investments in fiber infrastructure. If they'd gotten off the dime several years ago and laid the optical infrastructure they so desparately need, they'd be in a better competitive position with respect to the cable companies. My advice to the telcos -- stop whining, build out, and watch the subscription rates rise.
-- "Amazon Calls New iMac Its Fastest-Selling Computer According to Amazon's sales data, systems manufactured by Apple (including the Titanium PowerBook G4 and iBook) currently claim 10 of the top 25 bestseller spots at the online giant's computer store." Apple may finally be on the road to increasing their marketshare in the PC industry. With so many hit products selling in such volumes, their numbers are bound to improve. Go Steve!