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Showing posts from October 28, 2001
Interesting observations on OSXvnc -- Trying to remote-control an iMac from a PC, I was unable to map a WebDAV drive using the "Go To Server" dialog in OS X 10.1 'cuz I couldn't figure out which key on the PC keyboard mapped to the tilde (~) (naming and aliasing conventions for personal directories assert the ~ as the leading character in the user's home directory URL).
Retailers: Apple iPod demand iffy -- "The fact that it only works with the Mac OS could also limit its potential, analysts said. Jobs said that Apple will look into making the iPod compatible with Windows, but for now is focusing on the Mac OS." Sometimes I think Steve Jobs is unable to learn from the past. While he's brilliant within the Mac market, he seems myopic with respect to the rest of the world. The iPod is a great idea and likely to be a great Mac product. However, Mac-only accessories like iPod tend to quickly produce "copy-cat" products for the rest of the marketplace (Windows PCs) that quickly dilute the importance (and marketshare) of the original. Apple had an opportunity here to deliver something as powerful in the marketplace as QuickTime (a cross-platform technology) and instead chose to create a (mostly artificial) barrier between its product and the mass market. Of course, Jobs' ability to turn lemons into lemonade may trump wh